
Body Sculpting

truSculpt fleX


Experience the body sculpting magic of truSculpt fleX

Laser Vantage Skin Solutions is proud to offer truSculpt® flex, a personalized muscle sculpting treatment that adjusts to your fitness level, shape, and goals to strengthen, firm, and tone your muscles. One truSculpt flex treatment targets up to 16 body areas in a single treatment. truSculpt flex’s comfortable, safe, and effective technology is clinically proven to increase an average of 30% muscle mass tailored to your individual needs. We offer 2 treatment options of either 15 minutes or 45 minutes each, both of which involve approximately 54,000 muscle contractions.


How is truSculpt fleX different from other procedures?

The truSculpt Flex system is faster, and safer than all other treatments. truSclupt fleX treatments can be used to target up to 16 areas in either a single 15 minute or 45 minute treatment. The unique truControl™ technology provides safe and consistent results through targeted, selective, and customizable contraction delivery with less energy needed.

Unlike truSculpt 3D, the truSculpt fleX device doesn’t target fat. It targets muscle development and can be adjusted to your comfort level. Virtually no downtime.

How does truSculpt fleX work?

truSculpt flex is a personalized muscle and body sculpting tool which uses a unique Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) technology to deliver three treatment options by replicating intensified crunch, squat and twisting actions. It engages the muscles to help build them.

  • Treatment can be personalized for different fitness levels and different goals.

  • Clinical studies have shown an average of 30% increase in muscle mass.


What does the treatment feel like?

As the treatment begins, patients feel a gentle contraction sensation and, as the intensity slowly increases, the muscle contraction intensifies but remains comfortable.

How many treatments are needed?

Remarkable results can be achieved with as little as four treatments. Additional treatments may be required to achieve the personalized results you desire.

  • Build Muscle

    TruSculpt fleX is a leading muscle building technology.

  • Improve Definition

    Improve muscle definition and take your physique even further.

Schedule Your Free No-Obligation Consultation To See If truSculpt 3D Body Contouring Is Right For You.