
Laser Hair Removal

Prowave LX & Nd:YAG


Laser hair removal systems, not one size fits all?

Using the latest technology in laser hair removal, Laser Vantage has two of the industries leading options laser hair removal for any skin and hair type, each with its own benefits.

The CoolGlide (ProWave) system rapidly treats large areas and can be used safely and effectively on patients with any skin type! Unlike other systems, CoolGlide can treat the fine hair on a woman’s upper lip just as easily and effectively as the coarse hair on a man’s back. For your comfort, the cooled handpiece minimizes adverse reactions commonly seen with other lasers.

Nd:YAG laser is a safe and effective solution for those we treat with darker skin types.  Using a longer pulse, that targets the hair follicle, which causes the hair to fall out and minimizes further growth. 


What do Laser Hair Removal treatments feel like?

When the pulse of light is delivered, some patients experience a mild pinching or stinging sensation. No local anesthesia or pain medication is typically required; however, some patients may prefer to use a topical anesthetic when sensitive areas are treated. 

As the name implies, the CoolGlide handpiece cools and soothes as it glides along your skin. With Nd:Yag, this laser uses quick pulses of light on the skin to deliver effective results.

How many treatments will I need?

Most areas require 3-6 treatments, however, the number of laser hair removal treatments required for optimal long-term benefits depends on multiple factors – hair thickness, the area treated, and your hair’s growth cycle.

Interestingly, not all hairs are actively growing at the same time and actually go through three distinct phases: growth, regression, and resting - laser hair removal treatments work by disabling the hair that is in the active growth phase at the time of treatment. This means additional treatments may be necessary to disable all of the hair follicles in a given area based on their growth cycle.


What areas can be treated?

Laser hair removal is perfect for anywhere unwanted hair grows. This includes;

  • Face (chin, upper lip, cheeks)

  • Bikini (including Brazilian)

  • Back, arms, chest, underarms

  • Legs, feet, buttocks

Schedule Your Free No-Obligation Consultation To See If Prowave LX  & Nd:YAG Laser Hair Removal Is Right For You.